torstai 7. huhtikuuta 2011

Under her spell

Halusin taas jakaa musiikillista ilosanomaa eli kertoa teille, mitä olen viime päivien aikana kuunnellut. Pääsin seuraamaan lahjakkaan Imogen Heapin unenomaista esitystä viime kesän Ilosaarirockissa. Hänen musiikkinsa on ollut ahkerassa soitossa, koska se lumoavalla äänimaailmallaan koskettaa inhimillisyyden ydintä. Toivottavasti nautitte siitä yhtä paljon kuin minä! (En osannut valita vain yhtä biisiä, koska ne kaikki ovat erilailla erinomaisia.)

I just felt like sharing the music I´ve been listening to for the past few days. Imogen Heap is an amazing talent and I had the chance to see her dreamlike performance live in Ilosaarirock music festival last summer. Her enchanting music touches the core of humanity and makes me want to hear more. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! (I couln´t choose only one song to share because they are all awesome in different ways.)

"This multitalent artist is a beauty to the mind, soul and spirit. When playing most of the instruments on stage and singing at the same time, she makes everything look easy and very natural. Imogen Heap charms everyone with her mystical sound world and puts out energy, inner peace and tranquillity to the world." Ilosaarirock2010

Sorry, I couldn´t find a video for the last song.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Immi on lumoava, todellakin ♥

  2. love these songs! :)

  3. Agreed! I accidentally stumbled across 'Hide & Seek' when I was in Highschool and it was love at first listen (-:

  4. I absolutely love Hide & Seek! I think I first heard it on a Grey's Anatomy tv episode and had to download it ;)

  5. Hi!thaks for your sweet comment,I really like your blog too,just follow you! No,the ring is from a small market :)

  6. i looove imogen heap!

    thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! sorry for the super late reply. hehe

    hope to hear from you again soon :)



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