I´m in the process of creating new products (I´ll present them later on) so it´s a good time to look at the past and the things I´ve done. Here is a few sketches for prints from a couple of years back. I´m thinking about printing the first two as a small collection called "Hugs&Kisses".
Lämpöistä tunnelmaa. Pidä tiukasti kiinni, äläkä koskaan päästä irti.
Warm and fuzzy feelings. Hold on tight and never let go.
Rakastan vanhaa mustavalkoista elokuvaromantiikka.
I´m a sucker for old black and white movie romance.
Näiden tanssivien neitosten swingi saa heilumaan!
The swing of these dancing ladies makes you move!
(Dance around- print)
Eräänä päivänä musteella leikkiessäni sain aikaan melkoisen sotkun. Tuosta sotkusta syntyi kuitenkin puolivahingossa peukaloprintti!
One day I made a mess with ink and accidentally managed to create a print with my thumb! (Thumbprint-print)
Tämä on varoitus: älä mene nyrkki edellä!
This is a warning: don´t go fist first!
(Fist first- print)
Nämä vanhat surulliset silmät näkevät kaiken.
These sad old eyes see everything.
(Wathing you-print)
Beautiful sketches, especially the kissing one! :)
VastaaPoistawow amazing sketches!! You made these? I am looking for someone who can draw persons for half a year now because I want a new header amazing work!!
VastaaPoistaPS: If you like Armani Perfume, Dior Lipsticks, High Heels and Gift-Certificates I might have some really cool things for you! My give-Away ends tomorrow so have a look ;)
these are beaaautiful sketches! you are so talented :) love the kissing & the dance around one!