sunnuntai 17. huhtikuuta 2011

Sunstroke- vaatemallisto

Haluan esitellä teille hieman vanhempaa tuotantoa eli tässäpä muutamia kuvia Sunstroke-vaatemallistosta vuodelta 2009. Se oli esillä Joensuun Iso Myyssä PKAMK:n järjestämässä kevätmuotinäytöksessä. Mallistoon kuuluu kaksi mekkoa, hame, kaksi housuhametta ja kolme puseroa. Malliston nimi viittaa lämpöön ja sen tunnelmissa viivähdetään hetki savannin kuuman auringon alla. Asukokonaisuuksissa toistuu leijonanharja, valpas saalis valmiina juoksemaan henkensä edestä, heinikossa vaaniva saalistaja...

I  want to show you something from a few years back. This is a collection I designed in 2009. It was presented in a fashion show at a shopping centre in Joensuu (the show was organized by our school). Sunstroke consists of two dresses, a skirt, two culottes and three blouses. The name refers to heat and it takes you to a hot savannah under the blazing sun. Repeating themes & elements are lion´s mane, alert prey ready to run for its life, a predator lurking in the bushes...

These were photographed by Anu.

Sorry for the really bad quality of these last three. I couldn´t find the original pics so I had to scan the printed ones. They were taken by an exchange student from our school.  
(These two models were from a local modeling agency.)

9 kommenttia:

  1. cool prints! thanks for stopping by and commenting! come by TODAY for a SNEAK PEEK at a NEW WOMENSWEAR BRAND FROM HERE IN NYC!


  2. that dress is really cute i love the print

  3. Thank you so much for your sweet words!

  4. Love your blog!
    Following you, hugs :)

  5. Wow these are super cute outfits :D
    I like the wild look.
    and Lions are my favorite animal! :)

  6. I really love the blouses, great ruching on the top ;) Saw the tie dye purses and they look so cool, such a fun affect ;)

  7. fun prints on the dress! and i really like the blouse. great pictures! :)



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